When clearing a property, you might find yourself with a considerable amount of spare wood from the removed trees. While you could mulch the wood, burn it, or ship it off your property, if you're interested in converting that removed wood into cash, you should instead consider custom lumber milling. With this service, you can cut the logs into various wood sizes. This way, you can either use the wood for your own needs or sell the wood to lumberyards throughout the region. Wood is in high demand these days, so you may be able to fetch a premium for your wood. You just need the help of a custom lumber milling service.

custom lumber milling

Removal and Prepping the Wood

The most cost-effective and time-effective option for milling your logs is using a tree removal services. This way, the trees can be removed on the spot before being prepped for custom milling.

Before milling, all wood lumber will be scanned for metal. Often, residential trees, or trees that have been around older commercial facilities, may contain bits of metal. A metal detector will be used on the logs to avoid damage to the equipment (and the necessary time to replace or repair a damaged blade).

Once cleared of metal, the lumber will then be cut down to the desired lumber size.

Make Money With Your Removed Wood

Removing large trees from your property can take time. However, this would may, in the end, help you recoup some of the money you paid to have the trees removed from the land. If the wood is in a good enough shape, it can be cut and shaped with the custom lumber sawmill.

Other trees and vegetation that may not qualify can still be mulched and then either collected or put back into the land, which does help reduce erosion and ground shifting.

Every project is different, so you will receive a basic estimate before booking the service. Then an on-site inspection can be performed to determine if the trees are suitable for milling and if it is worth your time and money to continue forward with booking the custom lumber milling service.

Contact Bloodhound Lumber & Land For Your Custom Lumber Milling Needs

It doesn't matter if you need custom lumber milling services for a one-time job, or you're clearing an extensive plot of land in sections and need the lumber milling periodically. Contact the Bloodhound Crew today to learn more about what to expect from the custom lumber milling process and receive a quote for the project. Whether by phone or through the "Request a Quote" link on the home page, satisfying all of your milling needs is a simple call or click away.